domingo, 13 de outubro de 2013

day 1 in Barcelona

Começando do inicio, partida do aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro no Porto, chegada ao aeroporto El Prat em Barcelona. Tudo certinho, sem qualquer problema.
Depois a descoberta pela motorista que me ia levar ao hotel, que foi engraçado, por basicamente havia lá uns 30 à espera dos respectivos clientes.
Lá o encontrei e seguimos viagem. O hotel Casa Fuster, fantástico só pela fachada e ainda mais fantástico pelo seu interior e serviço. (Mais tarde se as fotografias estiverem em condições mostro-vos um pouco do interior do meu quarto).

Até aqui tudo perfeito. Cheguei por volta do meio dia, por isso estava na hora de almoçar e tinha até ás 8h da noite para fazer o que quisesse. 'Maluquinha' como sou, aventurei-me sozinha pelas ruas de Barcelona, máquina ao ombro e mapa na mão lá fui eu.
No primeiro dia desci e subi o Passeig de Grácia (fui apenas até à Plaza de Catalunya e infelizmente não conheci as Ramblas nem os edificios que estão para esse lado).

Starting from the top, I left from Oporto airport and arrived at Barcelona airport without any trouble.
Then finding my driver was an adventure, because there were about 30 men waiting for their clients.
After finding him, it was as 20-25 minute drive to the hotel Casa Fuster.
The hotel, was amazing, from it's outside front, to the interior and service!

So far, so good. As I arrived near midday, I had until 8pm to do whatever I wanted, so as I'm slightly crazy I adventured around the city on my own.
Camera on my shoulder, map on my hand and there I go!
I went down and up Passeig de Grácia, all the expensive stores are in that street, so, I had a lot of window shopping to do as you can imagine!

On the first photo you have La Pedrera by Gaudi.

Light lunch, as it was a pretty hot day.

Chanel and Louis Vuitton.
Chanel was a complete dream, I had the chance to see the bags and they're definitely a goal. Someday I will own one, they are as perfect as you think they are.
The windows from LV were amazing, but the sun didn't help me, and the photos did not turn out as I wanted.
Again Louis Vuitton

Miu Miu bags.

Mango store (huge, the entire colection is in there) and the building is being renewed by Mango.

Plaza de Catalunya

Cos, the other brand from H&M. The clothes were minimal yet with a lot of quality and amazing cuts, but the prices were way too high!

The Loewe store had one of the most beautiful facades of the street, the next photo shows you the mural that I feel in love with!

Casa Batlló by Gaudi

The lady from Starbucks decided that my name looked much better written this way, I do not disagree!

I have a lot of photos, but then this post would be way too long, later I will upload more on TheGoldenStripe's facebook page, here.

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